This game is hard, and takes some getting used to, but it's worth it.

User Rating: 9.6 | Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II GC
I'm a Star Wars fan, and this game is a great addition to the Lucasarts game collection. My absolute favorite thing about the Star Wars movies was the ships. My favorite ship was the X-Wing, and it has always been my dream to fly one and be in the Star Wars universe. This game brought that dream to life by immediately immersing me into "Star Wars IV, A New Hope" where I got to blow up the Death star while being trailed by Darth Vader! The graphics make it all the more real. At some point, I thought I was Luke Skywalker himself, flying like a true master of the Force and taking out Ties like there was no tomorrow. I love this game, it's a great addition to any Star Wars fan's collection.