Why are there so many good reviews for this game?

User Rating: 3.5 | Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II GC
This game is the most frustrating game I have ever played. I had an easier time beating halo on legendary! When I first turned it on I thought it was going to be good because I read a lot of good reviews for it. What game was everybody else playing? When I started on the first level after training I destroyed the towers as normal, but when I had to destroy the tie fighters I couldn't see anything! I died many times from being rammed by tie fighters I couldn't see until I found out I had to hold down the radar THE WHOLE TIME. And also, even with the radar on, the aiming circle became a diamond and I coulden't aim as well, not to mention the diamond randomly disappears and forced me to release and hold Y every 30 seconds! But none of these problems are as bad as the difficulty and repetitiveness. When I finally took out all of the tie fighters, I went on to the attack run. I hate that part more than any part of any level of video game history. I randomly died when tie fighters randomly got behind me and killed me, I died running into the walls, I kept dying and kept having to do the whole level over again.There is one good thing though-the graphics. Other than that, it sucks. There should be a checkpoint system for parts like this! This is probably the most overrated game in history. This makes ET look like a great game! I quit after the first level and realized I have better things to do. I returned it the next day for a full refund, and learned how good the games I used to consider bad really were.