It’s the highest ever rated “Star Wars” game for a reason.

User Rating: 9.4 | Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II GC
Wow this game was amazing. Considering “Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II” was developed in less than a year due to a last minute decision, to have it ready for the GC launch, it is remarkable “Factor 5” was able to create a game so good. Clearly “Factor 5” is a developer that is second to none. Never has a Star Wars game looked so good or controlled so tight. And with access to Lucas Arts audio library, the sound for this game was unbeatable.

From the very first board you can’t help but be impressed. You’d swear you were Luke Skywalker going down that trench. The controls were so tight. The Graphics were so tight. The sound was so tight. It’s hard to imagine another Star Wars game getting some of the most popular scenes in the original Star Wars movies looking and feeling any better. And as anybody who ever played the game knows, in regards to the flight simulation, other Star Wars games by comparison are almost laughable in this aspect. But of course those games are trying to do everything; their main focus is not to create a brilliant all flight game. Sadly those games in an attempt to do everything end up doing something, but not anything extremely great……….. Like this game.

And now finally the dark side of this game. With only 10 main missions plus 5 unlock able bonus ones and No multiplayer features this game was just a little too short. Your average player could finish the main game in about 5-8 hrs. And for those who were big fans of the first Rogue Squadron on the N64 maybe in 3-4 hrs. But of course the replay value came from the simple desire to play these beautifully realized exciting missions over and over again. Also there was replay value in getting not bronze or silver but, gold medals. For players with crazy skills and a whole lot of patience you could get a gold metal on all 15 missions. Doing that would unlock “Ace mode”, a mode that made the enemies tougher and almost imposable in some cases. Finally if you could get a gold metal in all 15 missions again while in “Ace mode” you’d be granted the high Rank of “Galactic Allied Commander”. Players beware though, such a feet, is only for those “hella” old school hands. It’s funny I remember for the longest time I thought it would be impossible to get a gold medal on the first board “Death Star Attack”, 91 enemies killed in 6 minutes. Wow, but I had “Endurance”. Did you? Do you?