Rogue Leader Review

User Rating: 8.2 | Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II GC
Rogue Leader is one game every Star Wars fan should not miss out on.

Gameplay: Fun and Exciting. Some levels are better than others but all have a lot of action. If you enjoyed the first level you will enjoy the game, if you didn''t enjoy the first level, then stay away from this game.

Graphics: Nice. The water looks realistic and very detailed ships. Enviorments are nice too but a little genaric.

Sound: IF you have played previous Star Wars titles then this is what you hear

Value: Some missions are better than others. Some levels you will play over and over again, others you will want to play just to complete the game. ALso a game you will play until you beat.

Tilt: Unique and different from other flight games but still feels like similar flight games.