One of the best games on the gamecube.

User Rating: 9.4 | Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II GC
Rogue Squadron 2 is one of the greatest games on the gamecube. This is a fun game if you love games where you fly around. Like the old starfox game, except you don't only have to go straight, and this has much much better graphics than that crappy graphics in starfox. The sound is great. Especially when you hear R2 -D2's voice when you get hurt (die r2-d2!). This is obviously, the best rogue squadron game yet. Pick it up. At gamespot, it's only 10 bux used (trust me, it's 17 bux at EB games, used). This is a highly recomended game, and, if you hate it, you're wierd.