A fun and fast paced game that has had a lasting affect on me.

User Rating: 9.3 | Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II GC
Star Wars: Rouge Squadron is a space shooter that is action packed from beginning to end. This game has a lot of levels, one for pretty much every space battle in the original Star Wars trilogy. There is a variety of different ships to pilot in some levels but in others you are restricted to only one. During missions be ready for a lot of different objectives. In one you have to attack a star destroyer. In others you are helping prisoners escape their detention centers. Some of the missions are pesky though. Any time you have to protect something is very annoying because they can't take much abuse and lets be realistic. One fighter can only be in one place at one time. Sometimes you cant see very well. That is kind of why you have a targeting computer. It shows your objectives in yellow and other enemies in purple. You can't lose them. Though it is brief you can give commands to your wingmate like cover me or go after the fighters. There are secret levels for you to unlock that are all pretty fun, along with unlockable ships such as a Naboo Fighter or a Tie Fighter. The graphics are incredible and the sound is just like the movies. If you have always waited for the space battles in the Star Wars movies this game should be to your liking.