Action fans, Star Wars fans, you can all celebrate Rogue Leader, an absolutely amazing space-shooter experience.

User Rating: 9.5 | Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II GC
Lucasarts is on cruise control. Ever since the stunning success of the masterpiece TIE Fighter, it seems like they can do no wrong when it comes to Star Wars and starship-based action. Rogue Leader, the sequel to the N64 classic Rogue Squadron, continues the tradition and in fact in many ways ups the ante, creating an experience no Gamecube owner should be without. The first thing you notice about Rogue Leader is the presentation, and oh what a presentation it is. Everywhere you look in the game, the epic grandeur of the Star Wars universe is brought to life. Whether in the trench of the Death Star, on the frozen plains of Hoth, in the eerie fog of the Maw, or any of the other levels, everything is beautiful. The detail on every piece of equipment, be it the gigantic Star Destroyers or nimble Cloud Cars and T-16 Skyhopper has an unprecedented level of detail. There is of course the sound to consider as well. John Williams' classic score shines through once again, as do plenty of voiceovers, including those of Denis Lawson, who played Wedge Antilles in the movies, reprising his role as the always cool leader of Rogue Squadron. Sound effects shine through in movie quality precision, with plenty of explosions and laser blasts to go around. After experiencing the stunning presentation, you can finally enjoy the gameplay, and is does not disappoint. In the tradition of Rogue Squadron, you are sent on a series of missions covering events of the original movie trilogy both famous and not-so-famous in hopes of defeating the evil Empire. Piloting all manner of craft such as the X-Wing, A-Wing, B-Wing, and even the Milennium Falcon, controls are a breeze to get the hang of, and issuing orders to your wingmates is only a simple press on the d-pad. The game can be a bit overwhelming at times, but part of the being the best requires you to go up against seemingly overwhelming odds and surivive. The medal system also returns, with plenty of extras for those can achieve coveted gold status on the game's missions. I could cover every detail of Rogue Leader in exact detail, but that would keep you here too long. Simply put, its a must-have for any action-oriented Gamecube owner, and breathes new life into the space-shooter genre. Star Wars fans will have a field day, everyone else will just be glad they have a Gamecube.