Even if you dont like Star Wars, this game can be enjoyable to anyone. Although there are a few disapointments, all the

User Rating: 9.4 | Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II GC
Star Wars Rouge Leader : Rouge Squadron II score 9.5/10 Good: Great graphics, tight contols Bad: Difuliculty spikes, needs co-op Boasting incredible graphics and sound, fun missions, and an abundance of unlockables, Star Wars: Rouge Leader perfectly reenacts the best scenes from the movie from the piolt's point of view. As one of the Gamecubes first wave of games, Rouge Leader is absolutley breathtaking from a visual point. The draw distance is great, and there is absolutley no pop-up. When you fire your blasters, every single round leaves a mark on your target, and the explosions realy show off the Gamecubes spectacular lighting efects. The ships are also nicley detailed, and although the inside of the cockpit could have been more polished, this is a realy nice looking game. Not to be overlooked however is the sound. The game supports Dolby Digital surround sound, so R2-D2's little beeps and whirls sound very good, and the explossions sound great. The only thing is your co-piolts get anoying after repeating the same sentences over and over, but it doesn't happen offten. To me, flight games are only as good as the missions are, and this game delivers them in spades. From blowing up the Death Star to the classic battle on Hoth, the missions are as fun as they can be. Thank god for the targeting computer though, it makes finding enmes in space much easier, and keeps some missions from being frusturating. The only thing I can say is if there were only a bit more variey in choosing veichles, but other than that, everything is througly enjoyable. Although the game is short, there is plenty of stuff for you to come back and enjoy. There is unlockable documentrys, hidden veichles, and easter egss. You can even get extra missions by way of cheat codes or clearing certain goals. Its a shame this game doesn't have multiplayer, which would have added a ton of replay value. Even if you dont like Star Wars, this game can be enjoyable to anyone. Although there are a few disapointments, all the good parts overshadow any problems the game may have. Just be warned, prepare for the Death Star to engulf your Cube.