For those who think the ending goes no where did not get the point of the game.

User Rating: 8.8 | Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords PC
"It is the journey that matters, not the destination" - Kreia

Knights of the Old Republic II is a different game compared to its predecessor in that it is more subtle. The objectives and ending are more clear and standard in the first game. This game is all about the relationship between you and Kreia the old woman. While she does manipulate you throughout the journey, there is a point to it. She manipulates you to achieve two ends, both her own. You are the apprentice, and she is the master. She may use you, but she has great respect and loves for who you are and what you represent, despite how twisted it may be. The point of the game is not about defeating evil Sith Lords, or becoming one your self. There is no great revelation like in the first game. For those who do like games that get deep this game is not for you, just play the first one. This is the point of the game, even considering the cut content.

For those who cannot make connections.. as I have seen from reading the reviews.

Kreia = Palpatine, not Bastila
Atton = Han Solo, not Carth

There is not any connection to the original characters, except for the obvious, such as T3 (Characteristic are more developed), HK, and Canderous / Mandalore. For selectable NPCs, that is.