This is probably lucas's best. I say "Wow!" I don't see why aren't all the reviews on a 10 rating.

User Rating: 10 | Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy PC
Now, this game has had a relatively pleasant history (yes, I've played Dark Forces II, and Jedi Outcast.) You can play this game for hours and hours without end, and not get bored of it unlike the games relative to it. The multiplayer on this game is outstanding!!! If you have the game, and go on multiplayer, open the console (Shift and ~), and type /connect for a great server! The single player is also good. You can kill someone by just throwing them up against the wall, and that's the easiest way to kill them. Also, you can throw enemies off the edge, and that'll kill them. There's no problem with this game at all! If the is any problem with the server that I gave you, go to this website: You MUST register to do the following : PM me your question with the URL: