simply one of the best star wars games of all time!( i am sorry the spelling and is bad i will try to fix it later)

User Rating: 9.5 | Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast PC
in this day and time star wars has gone to the legos which isn't all bad but if you want to get the good stuff you came to the right place. to start the combat is just plain fun. the light saber combat is easily the best part. their are 3 stances quick, normal, and strong. each of these are dramatically different.quick makes you're attacks faster with and its easy to block with. normal is just a medium in just about every thing you can think of but is a lot slower than quick and barely faster than strong. and strong is the best way to take out bosses and thats just about it. it may not seam like you have a lot of combat options but the blasters really give you a choice of combat. if you watched the video review they said that you start with 2 weapons but in reality you have 6 which are thermal detanaters, det packs, mines, a powerful blaster, woke bow caster, and a imperial assault gain all of those weapons on eater the first world or the first level in the second world. all of the force powers you get also have a affect on combat. pull steals the weapons out of hands and speed allows you to take out a room of enamys before the first kill hits the ground. the only flaws are that the outdoor environments look blocky and the lips on the people just move up and down. the levels in this game are huge and full of enamys and are fun to play over and over again. this game also packs a lot of platforming. for example in one level you have to go through a engine in a huge battle ship. this game is not fore every one but for people who want a good first person adventure or a good third person adventure this game will instantly become their favorite.