Epic return of a good series

User Rating: 9 | Star Wars Battlefront (Deluxe Edition) PS4

Star Wars Battlefront was a good game when it released with the PS2 and original XBOX. When I look back at the original, I think about the graphics, for the time that the game came out, it had state of the art graphics. Now when I look at it, i realize all the gaps in the animation. When Battlefront 2 released, it portrayed a better game with better graphics and animation. Battlefront 2 was the game that introduced space battles as a part of the story line and also in the Galactic Conquest where you could either play as the Clones or Droids, and Rebels or Empire with space combat as a way to shut down the enemy advanced. I'm going to be honest, I haven't had much gaming time on the new Battlefront, but from what I have played, I have extremely enjoyed it. What I love the most is the fact that you can select the weapons that your trooper uses anything from the grenades to the blaster rifle and pistol that you carry. Me myself, I preferred the DL-44 which happens to be the same model that Han Solo used in the original Star Wars movies. I also prefer to use the A280C blaster rifle. The game play is a big step up from its predecessors with the improved graphics engine.

I am a huge Star Wars fan and have been since I was little. I grew up watching the original movies with my parents then watching 1 2 and 3. I also grew up playing a lot of the games such as Rogue Squadron Rogue Leader, and other such games. All in all, I am going to be getting a lot of play time when I get my PS4 back. I am hearing rumors that EA is going to drop an update that takes us back through the 501st Campaign that was introduced back in the days of Battlefront 2. I just hope the rumors are true, because I am putting stock in this game hoping to relive the moments of my childhood considering that me and my dad loved to sit around on the weekends and play the original Battlefront series. My only wish is that my dad was still around to enjoy playing this with me because I know for a fact that this game can be a bridge between a lot of parents and there kids to spend some quality time together. Star Wars is back and better than ever with the release of Episode 7 and the coming episodes, its a chance for parents and kids of all ages to get into to have quality bonding time.

Today's generation will never know about how exciting it was to have something in common with their parents other than bad habits. Star Wars may have been bought by Disney, but it has never looked better. My only wish for this game is that they gave a little more on the maps for multiplayer, I mean there is nothing wrong with the maps that they have, its just that there could have been a bit more locations. So out of all this I give this game a 9 out of 10 it would be a 10 out of 10 with a few updates such as the 501st Campaign and space battles.