Monumental Disappointment

User Rating: 2 | Star Wars Battlefront (Deluxe Edition) PS4

I have tried and tried to love this game. I wanted it to be good and ways that were good for me and I don't think I'm that far in the minority with this being a Star Wars game in 2015. I thought it would be an easy decision to make a game for every person and sell copies based on all the movie hype. I'm a casual gamer looking for something relaxing and fun to do instead of watch senseless drivel on TV. I want to have a good time pretending to be Rebels on Hoth or just visiting the Star Wars Universe with my kids. I want team matching that makes sense.

Here's what I got instead...

A pittance of offline game modes, none of which have any story, much less any sort of campaign. Once you kind of get over the idea that there really isn't much to do except play online then the pain begins. My kids are under 16 so are unable to play online. Really. Isn't it my choice as a parent to allow or not allow my kids to play? Evidently no. I wish I hadn't bought this as a pre-order. Well, the good thing is that my kids aren't interested in playing any more. They rebounded a lot faster than I did. They went back to other games they had fun playing. I kept trying to like this game. Then I started to try not to hate it when it was run to combat and get shot in the back. I think it could have been fun, if it wasn't so heavily weighted towards more serious gamers. Not that I think that spending a serious amount of time gaming is bad, but that shouldn't be required to have an enjoyable experience in a mass appeal game like this. Matching holds winning teams together. So it's a frequent experience to join for a quick game and get repeatedly stomped 200-30 or 5-0 depending on the objective. Who is that fun for? Not me. Anyone want a copy of Star Wars Battlefront? Real cheap...

The only reason I gave it a 2 was that it was pretty. If gaming was a spectator sport, this might be a good one.