multiplayer is carrrying this game

User Rating: 7 | Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron (Bundle) PSP
I loved this game at first but it is just too easy, I was attacked by 100 enemies while i had 20 and i won because i had the incinerator. This games multiplayer is so fun but i never buy a game for just multiplayer. My friends are not always around so i shouldnt have to have people around to enjoy my game. without trying to overcomplicate my reasoning behind this low review score here are my ratings

the graphics-7
very...well, they are okay but i dont think its too good, it can get kinda blocky. I know i shouldnt expect much from a handhelds graphics but i never discriminate the score for that. I base how good it is for the system and i've seen better and this is a star wars game so it should have decent graphics to help keep up the feel and keep down the lag of the battle

the sound-7
basic, to me atleast. Really i dont have much to say about this rating.

the gameplay-7
purely multiplayer unless you like the whole 1 man army complex in a game that shouldnt have that sort of feeling. In other star wars games you feel proud to take down 10 guys without dying, in this one you feel ashamed to lose while you've only killed 20. I base on replay value, story, and general gameplay. Well replay value 8, story 5, general gameplay 7.