Renegade Squadron was a ton of fun!

User Rating: 10 | Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron (Bundle) PSP
Gameplay: Good
Sound: Good
Entertaining: Yes
Format: Third-Person
Genre: Sci-Fi Shooter
Replay: offline-low / online-very high

The New Republic is sweeping away the vestiges of the Empire and returning democracy to the galaxy.

With the demise of Emperor Palpatine, the Jedi archives on Corsucant have been restored. The archivist Tionne is compiling a history for her records. Her research has uncovered a previously unknown Rebel force created after the Battle of Yavin IV known as Renegade Squadron.

You are a member of this Renegade Squadron, a secret fighting force under the leadership and guidance of Han Solo. With the aid of his friend Col Serra and at the request of General Dodonna, Commander Solo has gathered the most seasoned battle-hardened fighters to protect the Rebellion and its interests.

Now you must prepare to go into battle on some of the most wretched hives of scum and villainy across the galaxy.

Star Wars Battlefront Renegade Squardon's single-player mode is good, but very short. But it does have a very entertaining online play. Online you can play with 16 other players, on common Star Wars worlds like Kashyyyk, or Boz Pitty. You can personalize your trooper's appearance as you see fit with options spectific for each of the four playable factions, which are the Rebel Alliance, the Empire, CIS and the Republic.

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