This game is amazing. The multiplayer is sweet and chalanging, and any fan of star wars needs to get it.

User Rating: 10 | Star Wars: Battlefront II PS2
I got the game when it first came out 2005, and I'm still Playing today. The story mode was done very well with the clones. You start out as the Republic and slowly turn into the Empire. In the rise of the Emire mode, you have to take comand posts, pickup flags (Usualy somthing like plans), kill jedi, and assasinate sertain people like Queen amidala. One thing that improved a lot was the galactic conquest. In this mode you start out with the basic troop. The goal is to take control of evey planet. As you take over planets you earn credits to buy all the troop classes such as the sniper, heavy troop, engineer, and the two special class troops such as The jet troop, dark troop, droidica, wookie, clone camander, balothian spy, and this other droid I can't remember. He looks like Genral Greevises body gaurds except they have a explosive lock-on gun and a gernaid gun. You can also buy bonuses such as auto turets, extra amo, and the leader bonus( The ability to be special star wars characters like boba fett and luke. The online is the best part of the game. People online are a lot smarter than the computers. I ether snipe them in the head or blow em up with a det pack. You also have the new abillity to sprint. Witch makes the game a lot more fun. It's a lot more easy to dodge in this game. Trust me you'll need it for online. Ther is also the abilitty to blay as heros. such as luke, lea, darthmaul and many more characters. Last but not least is the space battles. Theis battles give you the abillity to fly into the enemy hanger an destroy the ship from the inside. You can also grab a bomber and demolish the enemy ship. This mode is extremely fun. This whole game is extremely good. If your interested just get it. It's only about $15 dollars used at gamestop.