a great game that was tainted by the mercenary attitude of EA.

User Rating: 8 | Star Wars Battlefront II PC
Star Wars Battlefront II had a lot of controversy regarding microtransactions, it is ridiculous to see EA a millionaire company that besides charging expensive Season Pass still want more of the new money, where to release in Multiplayer characters like Luke and Darth Vader have to play 40 Battlefront II is a continuation of the game of 2015 that also had controversy due to the fact that the game has no campaign mode, only multiplayer, and the game was tiring very fast, 5 hours and you no longer wanted to play, but the graphics were impressive and the phases were very faithful to the Star Wars universe, and just like the first, Battlefront II takes advantage that the movie The Last Jedi is arriving and that I decided to launch the game close to get enough sales because of the hype, but from what I'm seeing the game is not selling well, and this is good for EA, m it is undeniable that the campaign Battlefront II is great, the game surprised me very positively, since it tells what happens between episode 6 and 7, we meet new characters, such as the commander Iden Versio who is a great character, including it's canon that happens in this game, so you can have some revelation of The Last Jedi in this game, or answered some questions that The Force Awakens left, the graphics are incredible, the facial expressions of the characters are flawless, okay that the cutscenes are CG, but they are excellent, the gameplay depends on 1 person is very good, but in 3 it takes a lot to get used to, the ambiance is very faithful to the universe, there are planets already known by the movies, but there are also some that I do not I know, but I believe that it has already been quoted in the HQ or books, there are classic characters as well, Luke, Leia, Han Solo and etc, the soundtrack has classic songs and are obviously good but the new ones made pro Star Wars Battlefront II is a good game, but the gameplay is good, Star Wars Battlefront II is one of the most popular games of all time. great game that was tainted by the sneaky EA has done by consumers, has a great campaign that greatly adds to the Star Wars universe, but EA had to spoil the image of the game. Note 84