Amazing shooter game

User Rating: 9.5 | Star Wars: Battlefront II PS2
This game features everything star wars had to offer. You get to choose one of several affilations from the Rebel army and Republic, to the Sandpeople and Geonosians. The long range of Sci-fi weaponry also assits. The machine guns and electro magnetic pulse launchers just let the game show how immpressive it is in the anyones hands, noob or veteran in the gaming world. Drive a couple dozen vehicles around and run over anyone's spineless body. The internet play also amazes people with up to 32 players on the same network shooting each other and trying to tip the scales of the war in their favor. This game can not be missed by supreme fans of this great series. Overall an amazing game to kill a few days of your life along with a few droids with it.

Gameplay: 9.4/10
Level design: 8/10
Charecters: 10/10
Online play: 9/10