Battlfront is unarguably the defintiive Star Wars Game to own.

User Rating: 9.5 | Star Wars: Battlefront PS2
Star Wars Battlefront is a 3rd person shooter that immerses you in the conflicts of both the clone wars and galactic civil war across many planets across the galaxy. The Games campaign mode which is literally a series of mildly different instant action battles doesnt offer much and is basically the same thing as instant action which is just maps and eras you choose which puts you right in the action. Which is by the way fairly straight forward.

But its the precise execution and layout of these normalities that make the game so good. Enemy command pots are well guarded and tough to capture and the enemy is as cunning as ever. The vehicles in the game are diverse and fun to use. The classes (although some are laughable throwaways, Wookies, Clone jetpack trooper) add more variety to the frenzied battles. The action is intense and beautiful. Galactic conquest which puts you against an enemy as you battle them 1 planet at a time for control of the galaxy is an epic and tense expierrience. Having your back against the wall and turning defeats into victories is as satisfying as anything. Splitscreen is absolutely an entertainment beast and a must play feature.

all of the things above make battlefront good, but what makes it the best is its maps. Cloud City the Dune Sea, Platforms,The Harbor and Citadel and Geonosis are all 3rd person shooter classic maps. There isnt a single stinker in the bunch and every level is expertly crafted and never too complicated or simplistic. Its what really sets the game apart, and makes it easily the best star wars game to date.