excellent idea for a game let down by a few flaws

User Rating: 8.2 | Star Wars: Battlefront PS2
star wars battlefront had the potential to be a AAA game and everyone was hoping it would be but unfortunentely a few areas let it down. dont get me wrong. this is still a great game, it is ver fun especially if you like star wars. its biggest pro and probably the major aim for the developers was the multiplayer. Online is by far where you get the maximum out of this game. it is very fun also in co-op mode but then the flaws start to show. first of all the AI is so crap it makes you laugh. enemies a few metres from you dont fire, your team steals your vechiles and crash them or go out of bounds and in fact it can be more of a burden to get a vechile and everyone gets in onw leaving you to walk. then comes the simgle player. since the ai is so crap it is obviously not a hard game at all but if that doesnt make the game short enough the single player mode has less than 10 missions which can end pretty soon. so overall this game is fun to play especially online but unfortunentely the single player mode is not up to scratch and can be very frustrating.