Shooter fans and star wars fans will enjoy this game!

User Rating: 9 | Star Wars: Battlefront PS2
When I first played Star Wars Battlefront I was simply amazed. The amount fun in this game amazed me. If you you want to play single player there are two options. First there is the campain. That is where you play as a solider playing though real star wars battles. Then there is glacitc conquest mode where your objective is to take over planets. the visuals in the game are kind of blury. Also there a some bad textures here and there.The controls on the other hand are very good and not hard to learn. There is also mutliplayer. you can do most of the single player stuff in the multiplayer. the game also supports online play which in this type of shooter is really nice. Plus you can chat over a headset. the sound is also really good. everything from the sounds of guns to the people who chat over the radio. Overall this game is a must get for anyone who has a PS2.