When you mix 3rd person shooter with star wars = Greatest tactical shooter for PS2!

User Rating: 10 | Star Wars: Battlefront PS2
Star Wars Battlefront takes the classic battles of Star Wars, letting you play in the frontlines with the troops and droids of 1 outta 4 armys to choose from.

Well the story is you are a trooper in ethier the clone wars or glactic civil war fighting for victory of the battlefield and planet.

Now lets get to the good stuff gameplay is a very fun experience playing this game. In singleplayer select Historacal campaign in witch you battle the battles in order, Galactic coquest in witch you choose and army and choose a planet to attack in this free of choice campaign mode. You would probably want to choose the Empire in Galactic coquest cause if you conquer Tatooiene(I dont think I spelled that right) Darth Vader will assist you in the rest of the battles witch is a great help. Then there is Instant action in witch you choose a battlefield(s) and make a list of the or you want to play the selected battle in what order. Mainly this game does not need a memory card cause you have all the battlefields when you start. Though you can unlock artwork from the historical campaign so there is a reason to save. By the way at the first planet in historical campaign press square,circle,square,circle to unlock all the battles in the mode. Now multiplayer you need Internet or lan to play this with online buddies. If you dont have that crap and have a buddie you can do splitscreen witch is fun. That pretty much gameplay.

Graphics I think are very good but if you watched the review for this you see that the Xbox and PC versions have better graphics and gameplay but who cares its still a great game for the PS2.

Special features are artwork that you can unlock from the historical campaign and movies for the soldiers and vehicles and weapons and skills on winning the battle.

Well this is a very good game that I recomend for people who own a PS2,XBOX,and PC to buy this game!!! Its a superb game that you will love and play for a while. This game gets 10/10. BUY THIS GAME!!!!!!

Read more reviews at my page at drdh.