The game that inspired StarWars Battlefront 2 and StarWars Renegade Squadron.

User Rating: 8.5 | Star Wars: Battlefront PS2
StarWars Battlefront is and amazing game with possibly even better graphics than Battlefront 2, along with fun areas to fight in. But some of the bad things about this game is that whenever jedi heros come into the battlefield, they are impossible to kill. The only time there fun is when they are on your side. Another thing that I don't like about this game is that ther are no good cheats on this game like Battlefront 2. Finally there is a really small number of troops fighting in the areana. But the good things about StarsWars Battlefront is when you are playing it in Galatic Conquest, it makes it a lot easier to select planets to attack unlike Battlefront 2. Another good thing about this game is the stages you play in such as Rhen Var, and Kashyyk. Also the Historical campaign in Battlefront where you fight as an original battledroid from Episode 1. In the end, StarWars Battlefront will always be a great game to play for years to come.