The best I think of the starwars shooters ever.

User Rating: 10 | Star Wars: Battlefront PS2
I love this game!!!!!!!!!Everything about it is amazing. The Historical Campaign is amazing because it actually follows the story of the actual movies. The playable characters are accurate of the movies and the maps features are also perfect. The mode Galactic Conquest is so fun because you can change the sides like CIS, Republic, Empire, and Rebels. The split-screen is awesome because it gives a decent amount of vision to each character and is fun to play Galactic Conquest or Historical Campaign with your friends. I don't have a network adaptor so I don't know how fun multiplayer is but I've heard from friends that is just as fun. Overall I highly recommend this game to anyone who has a PS2. This game rocks! Also, I forgot that the vehicles are better in this game then the ones in SWBF2 aren't as fun to me than these in my opinion.