It is a great game better then the next game. because its more fun to play in these levels because theres more space has

User Rating: 9.5 | Star Wars: Battlefront PS2
this game is 1 of my favourite game of star wars. number 2 will be good but not as good as this game because it has all better levels then number 2 but number 2 has the advantige to come back with a jedi. like most evil jedis you have to be dark vader because he can fly.and for good its yoda,a the good alien mit be small but he can fouce push.but in number 1 you can do some cool stuff like aim a ship at a man in a terit and jump out an it will blow the terit sky high is always fun douing that. so it is good to buy number 1.tis game is numer 1 on my games list.if i could make a real review this would be number 1 on my games list ist is sotive like treminator 3 only better then that its like its like you no off of mary popins with a spice of the music beatils to beatils good by. ill be backy