Good game overall but could be improved.

User Rating: 9 | Star Wars: Battlefront PS2
In this game you are basically a soldier in the Star Wars galaxy.You can rebublic,(4,5,6 movies or 1,2,3 movies)the CIS,(1,2,and part of 3)or the Empire(4,5,6 movies).You choose your side and battle the other in the same era.Like the CIS would fight 1,2,3 Rebublic.Then you can when buy completing one of two objectives.One would be taking all the command posts.Another would be killing all enemy troops.You can pick different plantets to battle on like Naboo,Tattooine,Bespin,etc.There are also different modes like Galatic Conquest and Instant Action.In Galatic Conquest you and/or someone else try to take all planets to win.You can also buy bonuses like jedi to help take victory.In instant action you basically just make a list of places you want to battle on then battle on them.There are also other types of units.Soldiers or defualt units with regular guns,a pistol,and Thermal Detinators(grenades).Scouts have sniper rifles.Threre are also units with bazzookas and special units.I think it could have been better with more planets like Battlefront II does.You can play it all the time but it never gets old.It also has great multiplayer splitscreen action.