Short campaign, okay graphics, and intense combat make Star Wars: Battlefront a great game to play over and over again!

User Rating: 7.5 | Star Wars: Battlefront PS2
Star Wars: Battlefront is almost amazing, but not quite. There are some flaws, though. The main problem is the campaign. It is way too short for such a complex saga. There are only a few easy missions that do follow the story, but lack a few essential elements. The visuals for this game aren't great, but they don't draw your attention away from the game either. Every once in while there is a small glitch, but it's the same stuff that is in other games, too. The combat can be a great experience if you are good at the game and you put it on elite difficulty level. The AI aren't very arduous, but sometimes they can pose a challenge. It is fun to be able to play as one of the factions and all of the different soldiers. The many vehicles also bring some extra joy into the gameplay. Overall Star Wars: Battlefront is greatly satisfying!