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User Rating: 8.5 | Star Wars: Battlefront PS2
In my opinion, Star Wars Battlefront is one of the best game based on a movie based on a book type of games. It is a simple game, but as you progress, the game gets extremely addicting and in the process extremely fun. Basicly , STB is a Star Wars version of Battlefield 2, which means that the online play is spot on, but the single player gets old real quick. If you are a fan of online play and have a PS2 then I would highly recommend this game mostly because it is cheap and is still online which is a real miracle. The online sometimes loses your connection, but picks it back up in about 10 to twenty seconds so it isn't that bad. This game offers a good variation of maps but the standard death match is about the only mode that is still played. In conclusion, great game for online PS2ers but other than that it is kind of a waste