Much better than the first two games!

User Rating: 9 | Star Trek: Starfleet Command III PC
If you're a fan of either of the first two, you will love this game. Finally, the developers took out the very non-Trek missiles that were available in the first two games. There are campaigns included in this game that help you get the whole feel of the game and are very enjoyable. There are also free-roam conquest campaigns that do not have a storyline so you can conquer whatever your hearts desire.

This game seems more stable than its predecessors. The second game was a little bit unstable but this one runs like a champ.

One very nice feature is the refitting of your starships with various combinations of shields, primary and heavy weapons, bridge systems, and engines. You can make an all energy weapon vessel, all heavy weapon, or a combination of the two. There are also various heavy weapons besides the ubiquitous photon torpedoes.

Overall, I love this game. I have recently started playing it again after a multi-year hiatus and am enjoying it immensely. A must-play for any Trek fan.