Crashed and burned

User Rating: 4.9 | Star Trek: Starfleet Command III PC
I played the first Starfleet Command and thought it looked great. Let down by lack of te original Star Trek score and non original sound effects.
I skipped the second on as it looked pretty much the same, so when I heard the hype about SFC3, I ws really excited, went out and bought it.
Started it up and was narked off immediately.
Good Graphics severly let down by no shading, improved on the sound effects making them authentic, but again let down by the lack of Star Trek theme score. Gameplay was was pretty much the same a ever, bored after 3 or 4 missions. But ..........hold it there, I found I could use notepad to re-prog the game powers, then I found that I could access the net and dowload mos, new missions ans ships etc.. I was ecsatic, then I tried to take my new ships and designs online to play and test against others, only to find......NO MODS ALLOWED!!!!!
Alot of swearing later, it was exiled to the games box, never to see the light of day again.