Perhaps the worst Star Trek game to date, and perhaps one of the worst P2P MMo released in recent history, shameful.

User Rating: 3.5 | Star Trek Online PC
After excitedly following STo since 2006 and into Beta, I initially loved the game because that's how this game draws you in, with fast paced space combat however once the shine of space combat fades you are left feeling bitter and jaded, because you realize this IS what the game is about, repetitive unbalanced space combat with occasional unbalanced ground combat. The worst part is the circus stunts Atari keep pulling by constantly lowering the price not even after month after launch, angering the players and forcing Cryptic into a defensive position.

General content is so sparse, on average maybe get one or two missions per rank up, in the early stages of the game its not too bad as the player can consistently rank up however if the player does not repeat cluster missions or Deep Space Encounters the player will run out of missions/episodes to complete because of the lack of content. The Deep Space Encounters are the worse, simply because these can become the only decent way to level up, Cryptic have been nerfing these back and forth constantly in efforts to slow down the player from levelling, far enough? Add in a death penalty and these Encounters become a disaster as quite often, upon warping in the player will be immediately faced with an enemy fleet which will destroy the player before the loading sequence has even completed, or groups of ships randomly appearing and attacking the player soon as the current wave is complete.

Space combat is a essentially a button bashing affair with the player almost getting carpal tunnel syndrome after bashing the space bar thousands of times per hour to fire your ships weapons, auto fire is currently limited. Ship combat is vastly unbalanced with early gameplay being exceptionally easy even against end-game ships such as Borg cubes who have amazing overpowered abilities that can instantly remove your ships shields and do significant damage, not to mention spammable? Seriously? It doesn't really matter, even with overpowered enemies the game is still incredibly easy and with no death penalty, dying in game is pointless even against spawn camping mobs and chain rooting/stun mobs.

Ground combat is essentially the same thing, in the beginning of the game it feels like a breath of fresh air after so much repetitive space combat and partially succeeds however during the end-game, the combat is exceptionally and amazing un-balanced, especially against Cryptics general and generic mobs such as Starlian/Dref etc, who have amazing abilities to almost one shot the player, the player has shields which in the early stages of the game make the player feel godly and untouchable, and in the end game stages even with epic shields, they serve no purpose since there taken down so easily.

Lets talk about the new raid which honestly, the worst raid I have ever seen. The entire raid instance is basically one giant zerg, the ground part pits the player against countless borg who constantly chain root and kill the player endless until the team destroys the nodes, its pretty much one giant cycle of zerg to node, kill node before it regenerates, borg kills team, team respawns, team kills the borg group, rinse and repeat.

Levelling up (ranking up) is also pointless, the only reason to look forward to a slightly more powerful ship, even that drags after reaching the current level cap, which is current Rear Admiral 5 or Level 45, this is because the skill cap system was massively changed 10 days before launch and was not tested at all, giving players huge issues. Also, promises from Cryptic are completely untrustworthy - the so-called amazing 45 day patch is mostly C-Store updates which are all purchased with real life money, none of the major updates that was promised such as improvements to Memory Alpha or more content, or even any mention of the current skill/level cap. Lets not even talk about the general lack of content.

PvP is just as bad, huge queue times because its the unbalanced gameplay. Klingons naturally are the better choice for PvP because of natural cloaking abilities and ships which are purely dedicated to PvP, that isn't really the main issue. What is, is staying cloaked for significantly long time search for stray Feds or new Feds warping in and picking them off before they can even stand a chance, not to mention PvP is pretty much a chain stun/root mess with Viral Matrix and Jam Targetting thrown around so liberally, making PvP pretty much useless, ground PvP is just as bad.

Its clearly STo was released too early, this is a common practice for new releases these days but, seriously - this clearly needed more time before launch. Honestly speaking? Any MMo or trekky considering purchasing STo, wait for about a year and see if the game has matured yet, right now - its a mess, and the major nerfs are about to roll in.