Star Ocean Second Story may not be the best RPG on PS1 but it is definetly worth checking out.

User Rating: 8.5 | Star Ocean: The Second Story PS
You play as Claude Kenni the son of Ronixis (Don't know how to spell) the hero of star ocean 1. You check a mysterious site and get sent back in time this is where you meet the story's heroine Rena. it all begins here ... Won't say any more because of spoilers.

The gameplay is action style. You can walk around the field as you will. And attack or use special moves if you like but these wastes magic points. You can set 2 special moves in a battle. you may feel your just pressing attack since it goes to your target automatically. (Well the mode i used did). However you will find you can't keep doing that when you venture further into the game.

For its time it never hurt my eyes. Its background sprites were beautiful. Its character graphics is abit blocky but nothing you can't bare.

The music is beautiful. its calming and soothing. and fits each atmosphere correct. err good luck with the voice acting lol.

It was an enjoyable experience from start to finish. And it was a pretty tough game and offered a challenge. I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys RPG'S. this one should be in your collection. so fork out the money for it haha.