really really really FUN GAME!! check out my reveiw!...Please????

User Rating: 9.5 | Star Fox Command DS
Wow to start i love this game! its amazing!

the lurning curve? about 5 mins! in single player it starts With a turn based strategy and then when you enter a battle it goes into a dog fightish scheme there is a set number of planes to attack in those planes are some very important artifacts there are i dunno hmmm around 1-60? idunno artifacts but anyway you have to destroy these planes, collect the artifacts the fight ends.
but there is a big problem in this...when you go into a battle...there are at least like 20 other ships around and you gotta take these/this plane down with the artifacts. but after that ends it goes back to turn based strategy...AHA! where are the chalenges in this tbs mode? you've got only (at the most) 5 turns!

in multiplayer it is very different. its only dog fighting, normally i hate games like that where its dogfighting but THIS! this is amazing! there are items inside the randomly selected maps but they are always in the map! Bomb, twin lasers, then theres another upgrade....i cant remember what its called but it makes your gun better, and at last stealh mode! your plane goes invisible for a while.

Great style of game play, GREAT multiplayer, wi-fi mode, neat control

ummm ive been sitting at my computer for like 30 mins now trying to figure out cons....well i guess the controls can get odd somtimes!

anyway its a great game and definetly worth your time and money!
