A lenghty single player mode, great touch screen controls, and an awesome multiplayer mode make this game plain fun!

User Rating: 8.5 | Star Fox Command DS
Well, some people complain that Star Fox Command sucks because "It's not on the rails like the originals!" Well, if you're somebody who thinks that any Star Fox game that's not on the rails has to suck, then stop reading this review and find something else to do. For people wo feel like broadening their views, continue.

Now, this game has a great single playr. Basically, you have a God's Eye view of the certain level's battlefield ( all fighting is in the air, don't worry) and displays all of your craft and all of the enemies craft. You also have a certain amount of turns to complete a stage. So, you draw paths for your fighters to move along, and if they cross and enemies path, you start fighting. Basically, you're in an enclosed area in which you can move around any way you want (With great toch screen controls) and defeat all of the enemies that are necessary to defeat. It may sound kind of lame, and after a while it is, but durung the very lenghty single player mode, it's quite fun. Going on to wifi. It's very simple. You get assigned a colored ship (Everyone's forced to use Fox's Arwing) and you basically have a dogfight with up to three other people. It's very simple, very self-explanatory, but is also loads of fun, because people can't hack or cheat in it (Like with Mario Kart) All in all, this game is very fun. The single player gets boring after a while, and your options in multiplayer are practically nonexistent, but if you can look past those minor issues, you will see a game that is incredibly fun and easily recommendable.