really awesome game

User Rating: 9 | Star Fox Command DS
this game is really fun. the wifi is the best part! there is a ranking system is really good. you start at z and go up til u get to a. the ds download is really fun 2 u can hav lots of people and play. the campain is pretty cool and once u beat it there are a bunch of new stories 2 begin so overall a good game. the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the trying 2 waste words ajkfksaf sdfhasdfhasjf dffasfkshfhsdfhasdjfasd adsfskjf fsafsjfhf dsafhsadjfhsa asdfaskjdfkhsaftrying 2 waste words ajkfksaf sdfhasdfhasjf trying 2 waste words ajkfksaf sdfhasdfhasjf trying 2 waste words ajkfksaf sdfhasdfhasjf trying 2 waste words ajkfksaf sdfhasdfhasjf trying 2 waste words ajkfksaf sdfhasdfhasjf trying 2 waste words ajkfksaf sdfhasdfhasjf trying 2 waste words ajkfksaf sdfhasdfhasjf trying 2 waste words ajkfksaf sdfhasdfhasjf