This game sucked so bad I had to throw it away after playing the first two levels.

User Rating: 1 | Stalin vs. Martians PC
I didn't try selling it back.I didn't want other people to buy this crappy game.I mean its not fun nor funny.Gameplay is boring.I advice everyone out there not to buy the game.Don't even think about it or else you'll have nightmares......really bad nightmares.Every single minute of it was like torture.It's like getting shot at with a shotgun.I don't even know why I even bought the game.I thought it was gonna be cool but I was wrong.Before i threw it out i smashed the disk,threw the case out my window,and I buried the disk in my backyard.Every night, I look outside to see if its still there.I don't want it coming back to life and going to my PC and kill me with torture.Also everyday watching it makes me vomit everywhere.I don't even wanna touch it anymore or else it'll give me skin cancer.