User Rating: 8.2 | SSX Tricky GC
I had never played a snowboarding game until SSX Tricky for the Gamecube. I purchased Tricky for only 10 bucks, so I figured that even if it was average at best, it was worth the money. Well, I was happy to find that this game is so good, it could warrant spending $40 on! SSX Tricky has a very nice look to it, despite the presence of some washed out colors and some very rough looking CG sequences. Every character is excellently designed, and range from a new age spiritualist (the Billy Zane voiced Brodi) to a redneck hillbilly, complete with mullet and rolls of fat. These characters bust out excellent looking animations as soon as you get them on the slopes, and everything seems to move at a nice frame rate that never really drops throughout the game. Tricky is also very strong in the sound department. Fans of "extreme" rock music should give the sound a higher score than I did, mostly because I have never really like those kinds of tunes. There are some sweet sound effects as well. If you're looking for a game that you can spend some time with, you shouldn't be disappointed with SSX Tricky. There is plenty to do, whether it's unlock every characters many outfits or boards, build up your character, or earn medals in Showoff runs. I was surprised to see how much depth this game really has. Needless to say, I was very happy with my 10 dollar purchase.