Definitely gamecube's finest.

User Rating: 10 | SSX Tricky GC
SSX Tricky may seem a little old to you, maybe you even think nobody plays it anymore?
Well, if you thought so, you were wrong! Alright, Tricky is old school, but in 2001, when it was released, it definitely was the best game available for GC.

But now we're 8 years later, a lot of people have next-gen consoles (including me) and there are much newer snowboard games, such as Shaun White. You'd think that this new competition would blow SSX Tricky away, but it doesn't!
Although I have an xbox 360 and a lot of great games for it, I still play SSX Tricky easily for 3 hours a week, and it's one of the main reasons I still have the GC at all.

Tricky must be a fabulous game then? It sure is! SSX Tricky has everything a great snowboarding game needs: it has insane tricks, a great soundtrack, many completely different characters with a great sense of humour (or at least some of them have). Both races and Showoffs take place on extraordinary tracks which really give you the feeling you could leave the track if you wanted to, and just snowboard down the mountain. But luckily the races are too much fun for that. It also has an immensely addictive gameplay, the visuals are still ok and the multiplayer is a lot of fun.

I hope I made it clear: if you still have a GC/ Xbox/PS2 and you don't have SSX Tricky, get it! Really there are no excuses, it's a great game that you can get for nearly nothing ($3 on eBay)!