I wish they had a classification called Über.

User Rating: 9.3 | SSX Tricky (Classics) XBOX
Because that would be pretty cool.

About the game,
SSX Tricky is basically a like NBA Street but for snowboarding.

I guess.

You can do more than just race on snowboards or do tricks, like push other people off their boards or well.....that's about it, this game is just more intense than other snowboarding games.

In this game, there is a tricky meter, which goes up as you do tricks and goes down as you don't. If it is all the way to the top, you get TRICKY and a clip for It's Tricky by Run D.M.C. plays shortly. (It doesn't sound like Run D.M.C. though, what's up with that?) Anyway, when that happens, you can do Über tricks. (I had to go on google and search for uber and copy paste Über again.)


The games itself looks great, the courses are very colorful and all unique, which is cool because you'd expect snow to look the same. The characters that you play as are all really unique too and all have a mini bio. The games sounds good as well.

There's not much I can say that is bad about this game other than the fact that more features would been better, the game is kinda lacking in value. And sometimes, it feels like the game is making you crash into poles. No, I guarantee you, it's not because I suck.
OH YEAH, and how I keep on bumping into other people trying to knock them off and I fall off, that's just plain annoying. So, this is a great game, it's fun and unique, and I just spent a lot of time typing.