Like all SSX Games, very, very good with however the occasional mistake

User Rating: 8 | SSX On Tour PSP
So, SSX hits Portable, good for SSX!!! It's a great fast paced game with some cool (but hard to learn) tricks, The background music can be anoyin as there's no way of skipping songs you don't like also you're very limited to how you make your character look, Also not enough games are infrastructure, i don't really see why SSX didn't do this, it would be great racing someone online. Also it's very easy to get lost and they re used some tracks from SSX3, so why not use METRO CITY??!!! THAT SUCH A GOOD TRACK!!!!! But EA have really made a great fast paced game with superb graphics, good tracks and good tricks, ok soundtrack, i miss SSX tricky, with there being that little song when you do the 'tricky' trick, ahh such a gd song that was............ and oh yh, those of you who have played ssx3 and on tour on the PS2 will think on psp it's a bit slow, but you get use to it and soon it seems fast again!