User Rating: 9.1 | SSX On Tour PSP
20 bucks are you crazy??? This game should still be worth 50 in ten years. Its a fast paced, fun, long, good looking sports game that is so addictive I could become an alternative for drug dealers.

This game starts you out with a crap guy against other crap guys and you try to boost yourself up in the leader board. As you progress you will get better guys skis and snowboards and face better guys skis and snowboards. Th game is really really long and should keep you busy until you beat it. In the on tour mode There are so many challenges and they re all so fun and to beat them all must take near forever.

The graphics in this game are top notch. Everything looks so beautiful although there are many glitches with graphics.

The soundtrack is so good. You get old 70's and 80's rock like LED ZEPPLIN you have your modern rock, and you have your rappers if you like that stuff. All the music just sounds so good together and goes along with the game so well. The sounds are good to and they fit well with the very realistic gameplay.

This game is an absolute beauty and i think anybody should buy it whether or not skiing or snowboarding interests you. To be crap or to be awsome i think the question has been answered.