Its a good game, but it could be better.

User Rating: 7.5 | Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly (UK) PS2
When i buyed a playstation 2 console i was happy because the new spyro game enter the dragonfly. The first three games was verry good and i thought that game will be better. Well, i was a little bit wrong. I was dissapointed when i started playing the game. The graphichs wasnt great but it also wasnt bad, it was just mediacore. Its dumb that ripto is back. I mean you have killed himm in spyro 2. Him and crush and gulp and now hes back. But it isnt so bad. The game has a good soundtrack but there are lots of glitches. The game is short and that is the games biggest minus. It has only 12 worlds but the previously games had 25-35. The game is easy. When i played this game the first time i have passed the hole game in less of 10 hours and i had a good expirience. I play all games. I love all games. For me the grapchis can be really bad and i will have a great expirience. In the game you have to collect dragonflies and that can be difficult. Some of them are hidding or if you find a dragonfly it can be hard to catch it. A big minus at this game too is a long load times. It need about 45-60 seconds to load the game but that isnt so bad i can wait. Another big minus at this game is that there is only one boss fight. There you fight vs. ripto. Gamespot has written that even the biggest fans of spyro will have a hard time to enyoy this game. That is wrong. I am not a big spyro fan and i had a good expirience. If you ask me this game is even better than a heros tail because enter the dragonfly is similar to the original spyro triology only that the original on the ps1 was a little bit better. The first three games will be remembered but the new games will be remembered as a good try to make this game popular for the ps2. All in all this game isnt terrible, it is good but it could be better.