Yawn, more Spyro? Whatever...

User Rating: 4 | Spyro: A Hero's Tail PS2

Even though this game isn't as much of a flaming trashcan of technical glitches like ETD, A Hero's Tail is still every bit as much of a snoozefest. Playing this game is like staring at a wall, but at least it's a colorful wall. The graphics and music are bright and cartoony, but kinda saccharine. Everything else is just so lukewarm and by the numbers, that it's kinda tiring to play. Even the game shares that feeling. Every time you hear Spyro talk in this game, he sounds like 'This crap again? Ugh, just get it over with...'

Love cheap, boring minigames? No? Too bad, this game has them in spades. In fact, you have to slog through them twice to get the light gems you need to progress further. All those dragon eggs you collect? Worthless. They mostly just give you the same lame minigames you played just to get them if you even bother to hunt them all down.

Final Score: 41/100 (Aluminum Medal)