this is the very first game of spider man

User Rating: 10 | Spider-Man: The Movie PS2
The Story:

You all know the story! Peter Parker gets bitten by a spider that gives him superpowers and decides to call himself Spiderman and try to win 3000 dollars for a car. He gets ripped off by gettin 100 dollars and goes when a burglar come and steals the money from the guy who ripped Peter off and Peter lets him go. Sadly the burglar kills Peters grandfather and gets away. Heartbroken Peter turns into Spiderman to track down the burglar and kill him.
Im just tellin you the beggining besides youve all seen the movie! If you havent Im shocked cause everyone I know has seen the movie.

The gameplay:

The gameplay is a fun expierence when you first play it. You can go into some fun New York levels while the indoor levels are not as fun but you might enjoy em. The graphics are very good and well crafted. There are moves and combos to collect. The combos are cool,some of them any way. Mainly you might have a fun time with this game.

I reccomend rental before considering it for purchase. I like this game and you might to. I give this game an 8.5 outta 10.

Read more reviews at my homepage drdh.