Web Slinging Fun in this Movie Adaptation Game

User Rating: 8 | Spider-Man: The Movie PS2
This is what a Spiderman game should be like. The story is pulled straight from the first Spiderman movie and features the same basic storyline with small additions to combat the shortness of action in the movie. Peter picks the action up after Uncle Ben is killed and the story progresses as the movie does.

The dialogue is punchy and the graphics are pretty good. The game play and controls are what make this game so memorable. The played has a great deal of Spidey's arsenal at his/her disposal and the combination of options is what makes this so much like the classic comic and the now popular movie series.

It doesn't take long to get through the game, but the variety of boss battles and action vs. puzzles is enough to make this game a great buy and an enjoyable ride. If not for some better Spidey games out now, this is a great game.