a good movie-based game.

User Rating: 8 | Spider-Man: The Movie PS2

Spider-Man: The Movie was the gateway to Spider-Man on PS2 and was also a game that took advantage of the hype of the movie and made an adaptation with some changes, the game does not impress graphically even at the time it was released and the The game's Web-Swing is fast and it works, but you lose a little of the immersion of the game. game by the fact of the web to go in the sky, in the games of the PS1 was accepted by the limitations, but in game of the PS2 it was time for them to sort it out, it bothered me a little but after getting used to it, another Web-Swing problem is that sometimes the camera disrupts, the combat of the game works and the soundtrack for being original and not equal to that of the film ends up not being as striking as. Note 80