the best spidey game ever

User Rating: 9.5 | Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions PC
here's my review this game has lot of good things and little of bad things i'll start with the good
you can play as four spider-men
the first is the amazing and he's the agailty one he's my fav he has a lot of cool combos he's the reason why you're gonna play with four spideys he shattered the tablet
so he the most great one
his enemies is kraven sandman juggrnaunt
the second is NOIR and he's in past he is not strong like the others but what he's good at is stealth takedowns he's like batman arkham asylum but he takedowns with his webs
his enemies is hammer head vulture and goblin
the 3rd is 2099 and he is speed he is in future he has so cool things like in the hobgoblin mission you fall so fast web strike to him and take and punch him he hit with his claws weird? he has a vision mode makes him sees things slower
his enemies is hobgoblin scorpion doc ock but a woman
the last one is ultimate he's in another present like the amazing he's power and he's wearing the black suit he hits with tendriles like venom in ultimate spider-man he has rage mood it makes him so strong it comes longer when he hit an enemy or an enemy hit him
the story goes on bubble head tries to steal the tablet and sell it in black market so he did know it has great powers spider tries to hit him bubble head blocks it with the tablet and spidey shattered the tablet and that shattered other dimensions
the bad things
the game is so short it's not freerom but after that it's a great game and with great games comes great players LOL
i give this game 9.4