This adventure from our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is average at least, until one of your friends joins in.

User Rating: 7.5 | Spider-Man: Friend or Foe PS2
It's pretty obvious that Spider-Man : Friend or Foe was mostly developed for multiple players. It goes back to the roots of the elder Spider-Man games for the PlayStation 1, featuring a very linear path, and it is divided into levels, rather than an open world. Allthough these seem like steps back, it works pretty good.

The idea behind this game is that Spider-Man has to work together with his allies, and some of his earlier enemies, as the name already made pretty obvious. This concept is achieved in the game by letting you team up with a NPC, or if you've got a friend who's willing to play, a co-op game. I recommend finding a friend to play this, as it makes the entire game a lot more fun, mostly because the AI isn't that great. For instance, your ally will pound an enemy to the point where he can be finished off using a grapple, and then leave to take on another one, only occasionally finishing him off.

As in the comics, Spider-Man tends to be a wisecrack at times, and this game is no exception. And as if Spidey's remarks aren't enough to at least put a smile on your face the first time you hear it, each partner has a different reply. So in fact, if you keep changing your partner, the remarks don't get old that fast, even though Spidey only has a few (non-cinematic) remarks at his disposal. The pretty straight-forward action, combined with this humour, make for an enjoyable game.

Further more, you can upgrade not only Spider-Man, but each and everyone of his allies too. Allthough Spidey is naturaly given more room for upgrades, mostly because of the Web Lab option, specifically focusing on the webhead's webshooters.

All in all, it's an average game to play alone, but a fun way to spend some time with your friends.