Spider-man 3 is almost as bad as the movie it was based on.

User Rating: 7 | Spider-Man 3 X360
Spider-man 3 seems to just fall into another one of those games that is roughly based on the movie. With no real story line in the game, you find yourself fighting crime all over Manhattan.

The Good: The amount of villains used I think was quite cool. Lizard, Kraven, Green Goblin and Sandman make an appearance. For such a short game, they managed to pack those in there quite well.

The environment is actually really well done. The graphics and detail put into New York isn't really painstakingly precise, but you get that vibe of New York while you're swinging your way to your destination.

Swinging is awesome. You can spend hours just swinging around the city, fighting off little crimes.

The music for this game was actually the best part for me. It sets the mood for every mission. Each type of mission has it's own sound track which complements it.

The Bad: The character detail and animation. It's like playing Tomb Raider 2 again. There are some facial expressions, but overall, the game isn't really well polished.

It's very short. 42 missions. If you're not bothered about finishing the little sub missions like fighting crime, you'll finish this game in under 10 hours.

The camera is messy to say the least. Constantly wanting to follow Spider-man seems like a good idea, until you find yourself up against a wall or upside down on the roof. Add a wall or obstacle in the way, and you have a recipe for nausea.

I think if you are a Spider-man fan, you might enjoy this. I am a fan, and I found this game a little mediocre to say the least.