One of the Best Spiderman games ever made!

User Rating: 9 | Spider-Man (Platinum) PS
The old spiderman games were pretty mediocre and often boring. But then, in August 2000 came a new Spiderman game that truly was revolutionary and showed hope to Spidey's future games. With its remarkable graphics, deep combat, large open environments and cool story, there is any other way this Spiderman game could be better!

The gameplay is very unique and the combat is really well done. It's fun to kick the bad guys' butts with overwhelming power. The webslinging, the jumps, saving hostages-- all of those things are fun!

The Graphics are surprisingly good for a 2000 game on a PS1. The character models, the cutscenes, and especially the large open areas which are extremely detailed and vast.

The sound is really good and some of them are really catchy and epic. I enjoy listening to the music in the background and it matches the mood and location very well.

The Value....well, it WAS worth the money because I had so much never ending fun with it. Even when you beat the game, there are other things you can do to keep the fun going. There's lots of variety to this game. You can go through the game again on harder difficulties, collect comic books, costumes and so on. You can even do training like beating up more bad guys and testing your speed through levels. This game will keep you busy!